Friday, March 21, 2008

I will praise him in ALL THINGS

"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. (Psalms 30:5)”

Reading through my bible tonight, really trying to figure things out in my mind. This verse jumped out at me allowing me to see past the storms of life right now.

Last Tuesday my life was thrown into a whirlwind of emotions. My 2 youngest boys who both have Cystic Fibrosis was put into the hospital. Sick and just no energy I sat and watched them hurt. Being poked and prodded, praising God that my husband was home this time around, but crying knowing the pain my babies were going through. I wanted to scream all week long at the Dr's, nurses and the IV team that was placing my boys PICC lines. I wanted to scream STOP, I wanted to tell them this is a child you are starving while you have no idea what your doing. My emotions have been on my sleeve. But with great restraint I've tryed to really keep a Christ like attitude through it.

Our children are our world, they are a piece of God's blessing to us. When we see them hurting or wronged as mothers our backs get up and our protecting gene takes effect. Its easier for us to go on our first emotion, which would be anger, frustration,hurt, fear or even sadness. We have to purposely step back and look at the whole situation before us, view our expectations with reality. We have to allow God to be able to work in a situation that may seem overwhelming emotionally to us. In Jeremiah it says

"I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)”

I can sit back through the frustration and know My God has everything under control, Hospitals, Dr's, Nurses and even starving children. He knows and sees all. He knows what is planned for my boys, he knows what its going to take to get them to where he wants them. I have to be willing to release them and allow him to work.

So as I sit here typing this blog, my boys are in the other room on I.V.'s here at home, I think about what is left tonight to do and feel that sense of overwhelmness. But as you walk into that living room all you will see is smiling faces, laughing and hyperactivity. There is no room in their life for sadness, anger and hurt. I wish sometimes I can see things as they do, take things in stride as they do, see God's hand in all things as they do.. oh to have that faith of a child again.

"Ask, and it shall be given you; seek; and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. [Matthew 7:7-8].”

SO I ask in all this as Matthew says I can do, is God's will to be done in my boys life, if its a complete healing I will praise him, if its continuing on in life like it is I will praise him, if its seeing them go to be with our father at a young age I will Praise him. God is in control and will forever be in control no matter how much we resist or fight against what is in the works of our lives or our children's lives.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Growing Up Way Too Fast

By: Stephanie

I am in a reflective mood today. My oldest daughter turned 10 years old today. I cannot believe how fast this time has flown by. I remember going into the hospital to have her. I was so scared and excited at the same time. After all, I didn't know nothing about birthin' no babies! And I sure didn't know anything about raising them! I was only 22 when she was born. That was just a few short years since I said I would never even have children. I didn't know what to do when she cried. I was scared to bathe her or cut her nails! But I was filled with SO much love for her the very moment I laid eyes on her. I knew at that moment that God had given me a precious gift and I was supposed to protect and love her no matter what! I was so worried that I was going to mess up. I wanted to be the perfect parent to her! Well, after ten years of being a parent, I can say I have messed up! Lots of times! I will never be a perfect parent, but I strive everyday to be the best one I can be.

It's not always easy. My kids sometimes make it very hard for me to be patient and gentle and loving. But whoever said that parenting was easy, never had children of their own. My kids are little people, little individuals with ideas and feelings and attitudes all their own. I need to encourage their creativity and be their cheerleader at soccer games. I need to brag on them ALL the time. I don't want to put more on them than they can handle, but I want to push them to be all they can be. I need to be there to hold their hand when they cross the street and pick up the pieces of a newly broken heart. I know that they won't always come to me, but I will ALWAYS be here if they need me. I will show my children how to love by loving their dad with all my heart. They will know that no marriage is perfect, but it can be the most amazing thing they will ever know.

I am so blessed that God has entrusted me with three amazing children to look after. I will do my best to raise them to show kindness, consideration, tolerance, and most of all, to have a personal relationship with our Heavenly Father.